Monday, August 14, 2017

Chcolate and fruit

The chocolate and the fruit.

Two totally different worlds, but they can be mixed, now is time for you to discover some amazing recipes using chocolate and fruit.
Want a delicious dessert?, want some fruit?, try out these recipes.

Mini pies of chocolate and banana.
8.81 ounces of puff pastry.
1 egg bud.
6.34 ounces of black chocolate.
300 mililiters of liquid cream.
Some almonds.
3 bananas

  • Preheat the oven to 360° F
  • Take six molds for minipies and cover then whit kitchen paper and the puff pastry.
  • Bake the dough between 15 and 17 minutes.
  • Paint the dough whit the egg bud and bake it again 3 or 5 minutes more.
  • In a saucepan melt the chocolate and the cream toghether. Mix it well.
  • Chop the almonds and toast them in a pan.
  • Put half of your bananas in the baked dough then add the chocolate cream and finaly decorate whit the rest of your bananas and the almonds.

This is a really delicious dessert.
Your childs does'nt like fruit? the try this recipe and your kids will want to try more for sure.

Pie of pear and nutella.
(For the dough)
2.11 ounces of soften butter.
1 egg.
1.41 ounces of fine sugar.
2 teaspoons of ground almonds.
A little bit of salt
3.88 ounces of flour.

(for the filling)
3 eggs
5.34 ounces of Nutella.
200 mililiters of liquid cream.
5.34 ounces of ground almonds.
3 pears.

  • Preheat the oven to 360° F.
  • (For the dough) Put an egg in a bowl, mix and add the fine sugar, the almonds an the salt, mix it quickly during 3 minutes, add the flour once and mix it quickly.
  • Take little portions of the dough and squash it on you ringers until it turns to have a dirt texture.
  • Put some flour on your work area, put the dough on it.
  • Spread the butter on the dough and knead it well. Make a ball whit the dough and cover it whit plastic paper and leave it rest 30 minutes.
  • Cover whit kitchen paper a pie mold of 11 inches of diameter.
  • Put the dough in it and make some holes whit a fork.
  • Mix the eggs whit the Nutella, the liquid cream and the almonds until you have an homogeneus cream.
  • Peel the pears, disheart them, and cut them in fine sheets.
  • Spread the Nutella mix on the dough and add the pear sheets and bake it 25 minutes. Serve it cold.

No you are not dreaming this must be one of my best recipes, delicious dessert? got it, healthy? got it, Nutella? got it, What else do you want?
Leave you opinion in the comments. 

New recipes are posted daily make sure to check every day.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Basic recipes

A chocolate recipe for every time

In this blog I want to show you some chocolate recipes for any time you need them, I also want to show you the fantastic world of chocolate.
Because which is the best ingredient in the world?

So lets start whit the basic recipes.

Chocolate cake


200 grams of butter (whitout salt) + 20 grams for the mold.
4 eggs.
150 g of sugar
260 g of black chocolate
60g of corn starch
10g of flour for the mold

  • Chop the butter and let it get soften.
  • Preheat the oven 356° F. Spread the butter in the mold (The mold must be 8.66 inches of diameter). Also you must spread the flour all over it and then leave it in the fridge.
  • Put the eggs on a bowl, add the sugar and mix it for 1 or 2 minutes.
  • Chop the chocolate and put it in a saucepan and then add the butter, melt them togheter mixing them slowly until it turns in a nice chocolate cream, then add the cream to the eggs whit the sugar then mix them until the dough gets completely homogeneus.
  • Then put the dough on the mold and bake it during 25 minutes (The oven's door must'nt be completely closed).

In my opinion, this must be the perfect recipe for any ocation beacause you can use it in different ways not only as a cake.
Add your favorite toppings and you can create an amazing dessert. 
Share your opinion at the comment section.

Brownies whit assorted nuts.

3.52 ounces of butter + 0.70 for the mold.
4.58 O of dark chocolate.
2 eggs
2.82 O of sugar
2.46 O of flour
2.46 O of chopped assorted nuts

  • Preheat the oven to 356° F, Spread the butter in a squared mold of 8.66 inches per side (You can use kitchen paper too) and leave it in the fridge.
  • Melt the rest of the butter and the chocolate toghether and mix them softly until yuo get a nice chocolate cream.
  • Mix the eggs whit the sugar, add the chocolate cream and mix them well. Then add 1 teaspoon of flour then one teaspoon of nuts mix the dough and do the same proccedure until you finish them all and the dough is homogeneus.
  • Put the dough in the mold and bake it 20 minutes.
Do you want a simple delicious dessert? this might be your favourite recipe use it for any time you need a dessert: A party, A reunion, an important dinner wathever this migth be one of your options. 
Leave your opinion at the comment section.

Now you know some basic recipes, lets get to something more difficult

Chocolate soufle

7.40 ounces of black chocolate.
6 eggs.
1.58 ounces of corn starch.
0.52 ounces of butter
4.23 ounces of sugar.
1 teaspoon of vanilla flavored sugar (optional).
fine sugar or cacao.

  • Chop the chocolate and melt it whit a teaspoon of water.
  • Separate the egg whites from the buds, add the buds to the chocolate and add the vanilla flavored sugar, add the corn starch to 2.11 ounces of sugar.
  • mix both doughs.
  • Preheat the oven to 428° F.
  • Mix the egg whites at firm snow point and add the rest of the sugar. Add it to the chocolate mix.
  • For the molds you can use cans or teacups. Spread the butteron six molds and spread some sugar too. 
  • Put the dough on the molds and bake them 25 or 30 minutes.
  • spread some fine sugar or cacao on them and serve them inmediately.
This recipe might be challenging but is a nice gourmet dessert. Do you have enough patience and time and you want to have a delicious dessert try out this recipe.

In this blog new recipes and new versions of old recipes are posted daily tell me new recipes at the comment section.
Images from
Larousse chocolate